TOTO FORMULA ( rumus togel )

0 <==> 8
1 <==> 7
2 <==> 6
3 <==> 9
4 <==> 5

0 <==> 1
2 <==> 5
3 <==> 8
4 <==> 7
6 <==> 9

1 <===> 6
2 <===> 7
3 <===> 8
4 <===> 9
5 <===> 0

Minggu=> 5
Senin=> 4
Rabu=> 7
Kamis=> 8
Jumat=> 6
Sabtu=> 9
Kliwon=> 8
Legi=> 5
Pahing=> 9
Pon=> 7
Wage=> 4

Pola Mistik
0=48710 vs 35962 
1=73801 vs 94526 
2=67254 vs 19083 
3=19830 vs 67542 
4=50471 vs 82396 
5=94625 vs 73108 
6=82693 vs 50174 
7=21547 vs 06839 
8=06839 vs 21547 
9=35962 vs 48710

Cara Menggunakan
(persamaan ruas kiri atas & bawah)
(persamaan ruas kanan atas & bawah)
(persamaan ruas kiri atas & ruas kanan bawah)
(persamaan ruas kanan atas & ruas kiri bawah)

Contoh Result
9=35962 vs 48710
5=94625 vs 73108
maka polanya
9625 vs 7108 vs 3 vs 4
keluar > (32)

3=19830 vs 67542
2=67542 vs 19830
krna persamaan dari ruas kiri & kanan tdk ada maka yg diambil persamaan yg menyilang aja, jadi
19803 vs 67524
keluar > (14)

1=73801 vs 94526
4=50471 vs 82396
maka polanya
701 vs 926 vs 38 vs 45
keluar > (31)

3=19830 vs 67542
1=73801 vs 94526
maka polanya
3801 vs 4526 vs 9 vs 7
keluar > (94)


Semoga Bermanfaat Sobat

7 Ways to Keep your Love Relationships

who does not want to have a lasting relationship? Definitely a lot of women who want to have a lasting relationship of all time. Had a grueling off-again relationship, and once again pioneered a relationship with another person.

But lasting love relationship is basically not just a desire, but also must be accompanied by efforts. You will experience a phase of saturation or a difficult phase in your dating relationship. Need to do a few things below to be able to make your relationship warm and smoldering.

1. Go Vacation Together

Just as work, your relationship with him even need a refresher. No need to spend a lot of money holiday. You can do the refreshing by going to the mountains, beach or other beautiful places together. Perform exciting adventures together are close to nature and this can engrave many sweet memories with your partner.

2. Dating Night Special

In contrast to a date night is done in the early going with a movie or shopping, this time try to spend the night along with the cooking together while watching your favorite DVDs. Easy, cheap and you have plenty of quality time together.

3. Couple Stuff

If you do not like with a couple shirts or the like, you still can buy a couple other exciting equipment. Ethnic necklaces, bracelets, mugs and so on. You can save your courtship identity with a more personal way through the objects that show the bond of your relationship with him.

4. Giving each other a Gift

Try to use as a means of exceptional gifts, not material alone. Did you? You do not have to give these items new and expensive. But it could also be your personal objects such as dolls, homemade papercraft or anything that shows you love her sincerity. Things like this more than the quality of his love by boyfriend bought a new phone.

5. It's Still Love Letter Season Kok

You can follow tradition by utilizing ago papa mama love letters. When you deleted a message on messenger, maybe you still love letter in an envelope tucked neatly in a drawer or tucked in your diary. Love letter written by hand the romantic power many times you know, Ladies.

6. Be Inspiring

In addition to maintaining the quality of the relationship, you also do not forget to improve the quality yourself. By doing so, you can give the little surprises that inspire for your partner and it will be raced emnjadi inspiration to you too. Romantic in a way that smart, is not it?

7. Problem .. Sometimes

Do not be desperate with the problems that come to your relationship. Instead, be thankful because you're your relationship to galvanize resistance and ability to face problems with the wise and mature. To understand is not to complicate and prolong the problem by giving precedence to the ego when you can get it over with gentle and sportsmanship.

Do not just want a lasting relationship without effort and accompanied the maturation process. Be the team that you and your partner can work together to realize lasting love relationship and are always warm. Hopefully useful, Ladies.

cara cepat belajar melodi gitar

maaf bung, ternyata sayanya salah aplod, mlh aplod calon ibu2 dari anak saya. ( kangen pacar sayanya )

dari awal bagi seorang pemula memang terkesan lambat apalagi kalau cara belajar gitar tersebut tidak memiliki pembimbing profesional yang telah mengerti seluk beluk tentang bagaimana cara memainkan gitar secara baik dan benar. Terkait susahnya belajar kunci gitar bagi seseorang, maka tidak tertutup kemungkinan juga mereka akan mencoba mencari download software belajar gitar di internet.

Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwasannya berbagai materi cara cepat belajar gitar untuk pemula memang tersedia secara lengkap di internet. Tetapi kebanyakan refrensi yang tersedia adalah berbahasa Inggris yang tentunya akan sangat menyulitkan bagi Anda yang tidak mengerti Bahasa Inggris sama sekali.

Cara Belajar Dasar Melodi Gitar

Kesusahan dalam cara cepat belajar gitar memang bisa saja dirasakan oleh seseorang. Tetapi yakinlah, semakin sulit Anda menemukan sesuatu ilmu, maka akan semakin lama pula Anda akan mengingat sebuah ilmu yang akan dipelajari tersebut, dan hal ini juga berlaku bagi Anda yang hendak ingin mempelajari cara cepat belajar gitar akustik dan cara cepat belajar gitar bass.

Cara Cepat Belajar Chord Gitar
Bagi Anda yang saat ini sedang mencari refrensi tentang download cara cepat belajar gitar gratis, maka secara lengkap hal tersebut bisa Anda pelajari melalui artikel yang akan dipublikasikan kepada Anda kali ini. Untuk melihat bagaimana tahapan-tahapan belajar gitar secara cepat bagi pemula, maka ikutilah petunjuk yang akan dipublikasikan dibawah ini:

Mengenal Bentuk dan Bagian Gitar
Hal yang harus Anda pelajari ketika ingin belajar gitar adalah mengenal dan bentuk dan bagian dari sebuah gitar. Pada umumnya gitar terdiri dari 3 bagian penting, yaitu head atau kepala, papan jari atau finger board, dan body atau badan. Sementara ada juga yang disebut sebagai sub bagian gitar, diantarnya adalah PEG (penggulung senar untuk mengatur nada senar), Frets (garis melintang pembatas wilayah nada yang terbuat dari logam), dan Sound hole (lubang untuk mengeraskan suara senar).

Mempelajari Cara Memetik Gitar
Pada bagian ini, kita akan belajar menyetem dan mensetup gitar. Untuk bisa melakukan itu, kita harus sudah mengenal notasi balok, nilai nada, ketukan, serta not pada Freat board gitar. Tidak hanya itu, setelah hal – hal tadi kita kuasai, maka secara otomatis kita telah mempelajari cara pembentukan ekor dan progesinya, bisa memainkan nada mayor, minor, serta blues.

Mempelajari Teknik Efek Gitar Lainnya
Pada tahapan ini adalah merupakan bagian terakhir yang harus Anda pelajari dalam belajar gitar. Pada tahap ini, kita akan mempelajari kunci rahasia serta trik-trik gitaris dunia dalam bermain gitar serta kiat-kiat improvisasi bermain gitar dengan berbagai macam lick-licknya.

Bagi Anda yang telah mengikuti ketiga tahapan-tahapan diatas secara serius, maka yakinlah bahwa dalam tempo 1 minggu Anda bakal sudah bisa menguasai cara bermain gitar yang baik dan benar. Sementara untuk menambah ilmu bermain gitar Anda, maka Anda juga perlu memperhatikan sebuah hal yang paling penting, yaitu belajar bermain gitar dengan mengikuti metode yang telah disusun secara sistematis, teliti dan belajar dan tidak terburu-buru. Selain itu belajar secara rutin, serta mempelajar setahap demi setahap dalam permainan gitar, tentu akan menjadi salah satu faktor keberhasilan Anda dalam mempelajari cara cepat belajar gitar ini.

cara cepat belajar gitar

Di bawah ini adalah gambar nomor Fret dan Snar gitar:


di atas ini adalah gambar nomor urutan jari 

Berikut adalah posisi jempol kiri pada saat menekan kunci chord gitar:

Di bawah ini adalah penulisan chord gitar:

Cara Saya belajar gitar mulai dari kunci A-E-D dengan lagu yang mudah
Petik snar nya dengan membayangkan Anda bermain gendang misal dung-dung-dung ceng,
dung-dung-dung ceng, dung-dung-dung ceng dan seterusnya.

bunyi dung-dung berarti memetik tali-tali snar 6 - 5 -4 (bisa disesuaikan dengan kuncinya) dengan ibu jari
Senar no. 6 dileplas (tidak dipetik) = Nada E -> kunci E
Senar no. 5 dileplas (tidak dipetik) = Nada A -> kunci A
Senar no. 4 dileplas (tidak dipetik) = Nada D -> kunci D

dan bunyi ceng berarti memetik tali  snar 3-2-1 dengan jari lainnya.

Belajar pindah-pindah kunci agak lambat lalu perlahan-lahan dipercepat.

Yang tidak kalah penting adalah Anda harus bisa menyesuaikan kunci (chord) dengan nada lagu yang akan Anda nyanyikan. Jadi jangan sampai Anda pegang kunci A yang Suara Anda berada pada Nada yang laen alias lari suaranya.

( yang terpenting dalam belajar gitar, anda harus punya gitar, belajar teratur, berdoa dan berikhtiar, jangan lupa makan dan kebutuhan biologis anda )

Tips and tricks so that your partner can achieve orgasm

Classical problems experienced by couples during sex is difficulty reaching orgasm together. Often women have to fake an orgasm so he was happy. Though it is quite important for the cohesiveness of domestic happiness.

Men sometimes feel embarrassed if you can not make her orgasm or reach it first. During orgasm, the muscles throughout the body, including the back and groin muscles will be stretched. In men usually accompanied by spending sperm or ejaculate. Whereas in women is characterized by muscle squeezing vagina (vaginal spasm).

Compact in order to reach orgasm, there are several things you can do as quoted from Women's Health, Saturday (01/19/2013), namely:

1. Begin to imagine in the head

Expect to achieve orgasm actually increases the likelihood that expectations will occur. According to the research conclusions Sexual Psychophysiology Lab at the University of Texas at Austin. This also applies if the pair both have imagined reaching orgasm together.
Expectations play an important role in sexual problems. Enough to pay attention to cues erotic couples, then create a romantic atmosphere like playing a song and add fragrances, sex couples can begin preparations to better provide optimal results.

2. Synchronization

This stage begins with looking for gesturing to each other before to the bedroom by way of flirting. In women, it takes a long time before you can really excite lover.
Orgasm a woman starts her head. Thoughts and feelings will send signals to the body's hormones which in turn will increase the blood flow to the vagina and make it more sensitive to sex.

3. Longer foreplay

Most men have an orgasm in a matter of minutes, whereas women do not. Therefore, women and foreplay takes longer to reach the pre orgasm, which is the time at which women reach climax.
Women have sensitive points are scattered in several parts of his body, but the most sensitive is the clitoris. This stimulates the body to increase female arousal and increase the likelihood of orgasm.

4. Extend and delay orgasm

Men should learn to catch his breath and stamina quickly so as not to reach orgasm. This of course takes time and experience to the pair. One way is to take his mind to something other than a passion. For example, concentrating on how the sensation in the muscles of his legs.

5. Using cue

Women usually chatty when making love. When it will reach orgasm, tell your partner to be able to know the couple well. In essence, communication and openness between partners played an important role in the relationship, including the relationship beds. So little information about tips on how to satisfy your partner so that together orgasm, may be useful.


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Play was to win, It is because if we hesitate to do your hockey betting will affect. His best play with calm and confident, if you are in doubt better not melakuakan bet.

Start dibabak second bet. Understand how to play the first half both teams so you can freely to choose bet dibabak second. But in football dsarnya full of surprises.

Put a bet on the leagues that often creates a lot of goals like iInggris League, Spanish league, Liga Japanese, Korean League and many more. Then avoid the leagues that rarely make goals like the Italian League and the Russian league.

At the time of placing a bet not even put under in the minor leagues despite the last minute, because that's when dealers will reap the benefits. Under bet in the big leagues or the major division.

Put over in leagues that are created when the number of goals scored only 3 or 4

1. Do not force your desire to gain more profits. When the balance is pretty much withdrawlah partly to avoid things that are not cool like airports are blurred.

2. And the latter continue calculating the gain or loss that you get from the football gambling.

mike portnoy untuk dream theater

tanpa banyak basa basi, like komentator bola :) ( vra sah ngguyu syu !! )

Drummer terlama sekaligus salah satu pendiri band proggresive Dream Theater, Mike Portnoy, mengenang 25 tahun hidupnya bersama band tersebut. Walaupun kini sudah tak lagi menjadi personelnya, tetapi ia tidak keberatan diingat sebagai Mike dari Dream Theater.

Sudah beberapa waktu berlalu sejak keputusan Mike meninggalkan band yang membesarkan namanya tersebut. Ia sempat menggantikan drummer Avenged Sevenfold yang meninggal dunia, Jimmy Sullivan. Saat itu, usai juga hubungannya dengan band pemilik lagu Count of Tuscany tersebut.

"Aku memberikan 25 tahun hidupku. Aku mencurahkan segala perasaan, jiwa, keringat dan air mataku. Aku makan, bernafas, dan hidup untuk Dream Theater, 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu selama 25 tahun," ungkap Mike.

Mike telah beberapa kali menawarkan diri untuk kembali ke Dream Theater, tetapi John Petrucci yang telah mendapatkan Mike Mangini tidak memberikan respon apa-apa. Bagaimanapun, pria 44 tahun ini mengaku bangga dengan fakta bahwa ia paling dikenal dari kerjanya bersama band raksasa itu.

"Aku bangga pada setiap lagu yang kutulis, setiap album yang kurekam, dan setiap show yang kumainkan bersama mereka," ujar Mike, "Dikenal sebagai Mike dari Dream Theater, itu adalah identitas kebanggaanku. Aku tak ingin yang lain lagi,"

Kini, Mike Portnoy telah bergabung dengan dua supergroup sekaligus, yaitu Adrenaline Mob bersama Russell Allen (Symphony X) dan Mike Orlando, serta Flying Colors bersama Steven J. Morse (Deep Purple), Dave LaRue (bassist Joe Satriani), Neal Morse dan Casey McPherson.


Selamat datang, selamat membaca. Semoga bermanfaat. :)

 Orang yang sering berbicara dua bahasa rupanya memberi banyak manfaat buat otak. Dari hasil pemindaian citra otak, maka penggunaan otak jadi lebih efisien.

Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang yang berbicara beberapa bahasa ternyata lebih baik dalam hal multi-tasking. Dengan belajar beralih antarbahasa, otak akan menjadi terampil mengambil kontrol atas tugas dan waktu tertentu ketika mendapati informasi yang tidak perlu. Ini semacam fleksibilitas kognitif yang penting dalam banyak bidang kehidupan dan cenderung akan menurun karena usia.

Untuk mengetahui bagaimana bilingualisme bisa meningkatkan fungsi otak, Brian Gold, ahli syaraf di University of Kentucky, Lexington bersama rekannya, menempatkan 80 orang dalam sebuah mesin MRI.

Di dalam mesin itu terlihat aliran oksigen dalam otak mereka saat melakukan tugas dasar penelitian. Responden dianjurkan untuk menekan tombol tertentu dalam menanggapi pertanyaan tentang bentuk benda atau warna.

Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa orang tua yang berbicara dua bahasa dengan lancar terlihat lebih cepat merespons pertanyaan dibandingkan dengan responden lain yang hanya menguasai satu bahasa.

"Bilingualisme tidak membuat Anda jadi seperti anak muda, tetapi membuat Anda lebih cepat berpikir dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan yang hanya bicara satu bahasa," ujar Gold seperti dikutip Discovery News.

Hal ini menunjukkan, dengan belajar beralih antarbahasa, otak akan menjadi terampil mengambil kontrol atas tugas dan waktu tertentu ketika mendapati informasi yang tidak perlu.


Whether or not a person is a soul mate forever guns determined by facial similarity, behavior, or character.
The following relationship expert and author of 21 Ways to Attract Your Soul Mate, Arian Sarris
give you the secret:

Sign 1:

Secret lovers in order to have a life long relationship is the mutual sharing. You and he can always help each other, whether it's minor or major work.
The most important is that you both can always enjoy all aspects of life together.
And it all seemed very nice though without having to involve other people.
Well, if you already feel it? If yes, congratulations means there is hope that he is a candidate companion of your life!

Sign 2:

One of the criteria that determine whether or not he's fit or not your mate is his ability to be relaxed in front of you.
Try now consider, whether the motion geriknya, how to dress, hair style, his way of talking and laughter impressive for what it is? Are any words always seemed spontaneous and not contrived?
If not, (sorry) most likely he's not your soul mate.

3 sign:

Contacts between the inner two could make your heart always know each other.
And if you or the he could read each other's minds and predict reactions and feelings to each other in certain situations.
Congratulations! Maybe he actually saved your soul mate ...

Sign 4:

With him can make you feel relaxed, comfortable without feeling pressured.
For hours together, every time and every day does not make you feel bored ..
This could be a sign that you both can later be bound to each other.

Sign 5:

He is always there for you in any situation.
And he was always able to understand the weather in your heart both in joy and sorrow.
Believe affinity partner certainly is not afraid to have ups and downs when shared.
Now, remember back.
Is he the first person who came to give help when you are overwhelmed with misfortune?
He knows when you are sick circumstances .........
If so, no one else. He's the one ...

Sign 6:

He does not really care about your family's past, she does not care about your past moments with former lover.
He's also not shy to tell her past ..
Well, then it could mean he is ready to accept you for what it is ..

Sign 7:

Everyone certainly has its drawbacks, and you do not be shy to show it to him.
Even when you look 'bad' in front of him though, for example when you wake up or when you are sick and do not shower for two days.

Sign 8:

If you feel you could be a secret safe in his hands than in the hands of your friends.
Or you feel could no longer keep any secrets from him,
so blessed!
Since this could mean you have found a true partner!
Is the eighth sign of the above have you found him?


29 years old, but already a grandfather Shem Davies after 14-year-old daughter gave birth. Davies also became a father when he was only 14 years old.
Davies's daughter, Tia, gave birth to a baby girl a week before the birthday-15.
The Sun, Friday (07/15/2011), Davies reveals "tremendous happiness" over the birth of his grandson.
Tia named the baby Ava Grace, who was born 10 weeks early and should be treated in an incubator. The weight of the baby was only about 1 kilogram.
The baby is now being treated in the special care baby unit at a hospital in Bridgen, South Wales.
Even so, Davies admitted shock when Tia admits being pregnant with her ​​boyfriend, Jordan Williams, who was 15 years old.
Davies who now have a nine-month-old son of Robyn Thomas said, "It was a while ago Tia was a baby, all of a sudden she was already pregnant."
"I could have scolded him, but what's the point. Situation I realize this is difficult for them since I first experienced it when he was their age," said Davies who is now unemployed.
Davies pleaded not ready to be a father at the age of 14 years. "I can not deal with it and I ran away," he admits.
He split with Tia's mother, Kelly, three months after Tia was born. "My worst nightmare for this is Tia repeat the mistakes I did in the past, pregnant at a young age," said Kelly, who is now 30 years old


There is a unique term, 'You can not choose where you are born, but you can choose where you die,' And it looks like it is true.
When born, you will never know where we are. So you're just going to accept the fate of life and growing up in that place, though it may be considered as a place that is not habitable due to environmental conditions may change at any time creepy.
Yes, no one knows what is happening in this world. Including people living in 10 locations around the world that were deemed unsuitable for occupancy. Interestingly, the island of Java is one of them! How so? Consider the following yes.

1. Verkhoyansk - Russia

Verkhoyansk regarded as the coldest city in the world to contain only 1,500 residents. In winter, the city has a temperature -4-10 ° C and it is definitely the coldest city got the nickname. The city once had been a city of exile. The only source of water, the river Yana even frozen most of the year and only get sunlight for 5 hours / day between the months of September to March only. Not a recommendation for a place to live.

2. Pompeii - Italy

Pompeii is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. After the volcano Vesuvius erupted in 79 BC, the city of Pompeii and Herculaneum completely coated super hot lava and killed the entire population. Because of that, the land in Pompeii is certainly fertile. In 1906, the eruption of Vesuvius swallow 100 fatalities in 1944 and swallows three towns. So Pompeii still have to live in the face of terrible eruption of Vesuvius.

3. Antarctica

Antarctica is undoubtedly as one of the most 'evil' to survive. 98% of the frozen wastes of the Antarctic continent dalah and does not receive sunlight for 6 months / year. The lack of source of life (except water and fish), making the lack of native Antarctica. Except only for those tourists who are curious about the super cold air.

4. La Rinconada - Peru

La Rinconada is known as the city with the highest position in the world and lies in stunningly mountainous Andes region in South America. This rundown mining town built on a glacier with a height of 5,100 meters above sea level. Want to go La Rinconada? You must pass through the narrow streets, the weather was super cold at that altitude.

5. Motuo - China

Motuo is a forest with an area of ​​30.550 square kilometers and is located in the southern region of the Himalayas. This area became the only one in China that does not have to be accessible to highway travelers. So to get Matuo, you have to take a 4 day trip the woods. Interested in staying here?

6. Muli - Faroe Islands

Muli is a small town located in the Faroe islands (located between Iceland and Norway) and has a total population of only 4 people. Faroe Islands are known because the erratic weather such as heavy rain, fog, snow, and hurricanes that arise throughout the year. Muli also bleak environment with little vegetation alone. Even the food supply must be by air. As if less, during the summer, Muli experiencing 24 hours of daylight and winter will be dark. Still want to stay here?

7. Maldives

Maldives is a collection of tropical islands terlepak in southern India and became one of the very popular tourist destination. With a population of 328,500 people and reached 500 thousand tourists / year, the Maldives is emmiliki beautiful beaches with resort mewah.Namun in 2005, found that coral reefs around the Maldives has been eroded due to mining so as to make the Maldives potentially be lost at any time due to sweep tsunami.

8. Java - Indonesia

What? Including Java? Yes, Java is the most densely populated island in Indonesia with a total of 120 million people who live and has 22 active volcanoes. The volcano is considered 'scary' in Java is Mount Merapi and Semeru. Because of that, many people assume that the volcanoes it is a natural time bomb that could destroy Java any time. Hmm, what do you think?

9. Minqin County - China

Minqin County is one of the worst cities to live. Why is that? Since the only river in the Shiyang river here has dried up due to irrigation in the uplands. Not to mention the region located between Badain Jaran and the Tengger desert. Lack of water and barren, make left Minqin County residents.

10. Cook - Australia

Cook was built in 1917 and is a train station for refueling with a length of the longest line in the world. As a residence, Cook has a hot and dry weather despite trying to plant trees but failed. Reported only stay 4 people inhabiting this region because of the lack of food and drink to survive.


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